A treatment that dates far back to ancient times and is more recently associated with Eastern Medicines. This treatment is a non invasive therapy that can be effective in promoting relaxation and improved overall well being. The treatment is done by massaging the feet and working through all the bodies systems, vital organs and clearing them of toxins and helping regain a natural balance. Benefits can include, improved sleep, reduced stress and anxiety along with improved mood. This therapy is not a medical treatment but a complimentary therapy tailored to your needs.
RLD – Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage
This treatment aims to stimualte the Lymphatic System and is especially proven with those who have had lymph nodes removed from surgerical procedures, including breast cancer. Lymphoedema is defined as swollen tissue due to the failure of the lyphm drainage. RLD may be useful for other conditions and also general well being. Many individuals feel refreshed and much more focused after this treatment.
Hypnotherapy can be used to treat and improve an array of different issues, these can include low self esteem, anxiety, addiction, depression and so many more. It is an therapy that aids deep relaxation and then working with the subconcious mind creating positive thought patterns and a more improved quality of life.
This treatment is a whole package of six sessions including the first session of a talking session to be able to design and build a tailored individual package. The package is booked and paid for in full prior to the initial session.
Please note that there are contraindications with this therapy and those who are suffering with have phychosis or certain tyoes of personality disorders are to seek medical support and should contatc there GP prior to seeking hypnotherapy. *Source*
Reiki – Universal Life-force energy
A traditional therapy of healing by touch. It drived from Japan in the late 19th century from the dedicated research of Dr Mikao Usui. My Reiki training has taken many years and growth is still happening with myself. I am 11th generation in my linage
This treatment will have an initial assesment of the emotional or physical issues you are seeking assistance for. This treatment can be performed either lying down or sitting on a chair, depending on the clients mobility. Always fully clothed.